Saloni’s article on the UK policy is here:

Follow Saloni on Twitter @salonium

Further References

More on the UK policy:

More resources on the Coronavirus:

Why the Corona Virus Has Been So Successful:

For some of the best information on the virus, follow epidemiologist @NAChristakis on Twitter or Facebook (Nicholas Christakis).

To write an open letter about your experiences with Coronavirus or create a daily journal:

If you would like to start a correspondence with someone on this or any other topic and don’t have a suitable interlocutor, contact [email protected] or tweet to me or @JacksonAEdwards.

Write to me at Letter:


2:03 The situation in Hong Kong
4:40 My personal situation
11:21 Herd immunity
14:04 Psychological impacts of quarantine & social distancing
19:06 More on herd immunity and secondary effects of the epidemic
30:33 The reproduction number
32:18 The second wave
32:57 Seasonality
38:01 Does having had the virus confer immunity?
40:46 Treatments
46:33 Reasons to be optimistic
49:05 Developing a vaccine
51:24 How did the virus evolve?
54:46 How many young people are liable to suffer from serious complications or die?
57:15 Why are we testing so few people?
58:32 Panic buying
1:02:40 What we can do
1:14:35 Why the numbers sound so small
1:20:08 Open letters about your experiences with social isolation and a call for expertise