
3:50 Eric argues that people’s feelings about immigration aren’t linked to economic anxiety
4:42 Brexit/Trump/populist right support isn’t linked to social class. What does predict this?
7:44 Psychological dimensions of conservative attitudes: is it reactionary? Retrograde or just nostalgic?
13:21 The Islam factor
24:52 Four white majority responses to immigration change: fight, flee, repress & join.
25:24 The fight response
25:38 The flee response: white flight from minority neighbourhoods, white self-segregation
31:11 The repress response: fear of expressing anti-immigration views; the ethics of anti-racism.
35:11 The concealed condition: uncovering anti-immigration views that people are reluctant to admit to.
37:34 The join response: friendship, intermarriage, assimilation.
38:27 The coming mixed race majority
39:30 How important is ancestry to belonging? Civic versus ethnic nationalism. Majority melting pots.
46:08 Assimilation
49:12 Why there is a danger of a far right resurgence right now
50:30 On what basis do you choose which immigrants to allow in?
59:45 What steps should we take, going forward? How to combat racism?
59:52 Separating racial appearance from membership in an ethnic group
1:05:24 Choosing a racial identity, what influences identification as white/non-white?
1:11:14 The Social Justice left as a force multiplier for right-wing populism

Eric’s book, Whiteshift: Population, Immigration and the Future of White Majorities (2019) can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/Whiteshift-Populism-Immigration-Future-Majorities/dp/1468316974
For more about Eric’s work: http://www.sneps.net/
Follow Eric on Twitter: @epkaufm

Further Reading
Jonathan Haidt, “The moral roots of liberals and conservatives,” TED talk, 2008: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vs41JrnGaxc
Michael Lind, “The Beige and the Black”
Razib Khan, “Why There Will Not Be a Beige Future.”

For the Hidden Tribes analysis see: