4:18 The Evergreen system of education & why it appealed to Benjamin
10:45 Benjamin’s introduction to intersectionality and the supposed ubiquity of white male privilege
14:35 The confrontation between Nicholas Christakis and the Yale students
17:26 Social justice v. mob justice
19:56 Student fragility and the empowering of the administration.
22:09 The Evergreen protests
35:12 The sloganising of thought
39:07 Naima Lowe and her line of argument
45:37 The library meeting
46:55 What is the nature of power?
48:46 Student resistance to Social Justice ideology
1:12:20 Bret’s actions following the showdown
1:13:68 Is there anything the activists said that Benjamin agreed with?
1:18:40 Economic issues
1:24:48 Why didn’t the professors resist?
1:30:00 Benjamin’s religious upbringing; is Social Justice a cult?
1:43:00 ‘White’ knowledges
1:49:50 Equality versus equity
1:52:42 More on student opposition to the Social Justice agenda
1:57:00 What can we do to stem this tide?

Benjamin’s YouTube channel, The Boyce of Reason can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm13xHVNFVwzHzK3QHSaZ3Q

You can watch his complete playlist of videos on Evergreen (#ExposéEvergreen) here:

Follow Benjamin on Twitter: @BenjaminABoyce

Other references:
Jerry Coyne discusses Benjamin and Evergreen:

Mike Nayna’s video documentation of the Evergreen protests & the issues raised:

Sam Harris interviews Nicholas Christakis about the events at Yale:

Bret Weinstein appears on Tucker Carlson’s show:

Benjamin’s interview with Mike Nayna: