6:41 The difference between Hinduism and Hindutva
12:55 How is ethnonationalist militancy compatible with Hinduism?
19:42 Buddhism and violence
23:24 The RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh)
26:27 What ethnonationalist groups have in common
31:04 The caste system
54:16 Arranged marriage in India
58:04 Hypocrises of Indians living in the US
59:17 Violence in the media
1:00:43 More on arranged marriage
1:06:38 Modi & his government
1:08:21 Babri Masjid
1:20:51 Yogi Adityanath
1:33:09 Indian secularism
1:42:47 The future of Hindu nationalism & how to combat it

Rohini Mohan is the author of The Seasons of Trouble: Life Amid the Ruins of Sri Lanka's Civil War (2014): https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/239396/the-seasons-of-trouble-by-rohini-mohan/9781781688830/

Rohit Chopra is the author of three books: Inter-Religious Marriages Among Muslims: Negotiating Religious and Social Identity in Family and Community (2005), with Abdullahi An-Naim; Technology and Nationalism in India: Cultural Negotiations from Colonialism to Cyberspace (2008); and The Virtual Hindu Rashtra. Saffron Nationalism and New Media (2019). His latest work can be found here:

You can follow @rohini_mohan on Twitter.

For a particularly moving article of hers, see "A Template for Hate":

You can follow Rohit Chopra on Twitter, where he tweets as @IndiaExplained.

His podcast with Bunty Bolta can be found here: https://audioboom.com/channel/the-india-explained-podcast
and on most other podcast apps.

Other References:

Shashi Tharoor, Why I am a Hindu (2018)
The work of Ashis Nandy (b. 1937) and Nirad Chandra Chaudhuri (1897–1999)
Urvashi Butalia, The Other Side of Silence: Voices from the Partition of India (2000)