01:52 The history of secular circumcision, beginning in the Victorian era with the anti-masturbation campaign
6:20 Extract from a medical case study on a masturbator.
9:10 Shift from concerns about masturbation to concerns about STDs in the 1960s.
12:13 Why Brian dislikes the term genital mutilation.
19:02 Sensitivity
26:00 The Hippocratic oath
30:23 African men & the HIV study
33:37 The hygiene argument
36:42 The World Health Organisation
39:49 Ali Rizvi on why prophylaxis is not a good argument
49:37 FGM and the Dawoodi Bohra
53:51 The infant experience
54:35 African circumcision of teens
57:13 Why there has never been a class action lawsuit?
1:00:11 Male vulnerability
1:05:16 Resource allocation: are anti-FGM and anti-circumcision activists in competition with each other?
1:07:49 Jews and circumcision
1:20:15 Women’s experiences of sex with circumcised men
1:41:05 How Brian became the go-to guy for this topic
1:44:19 Future dangers

You can read more of Brian David Earp's work at:
and follow him on Twitter at @briandavidearp.

Further resources:





Robert Darby, A Surgical Temptation:
The Demonization of the Foreskin and the Rise of Circumcision in Britain (2005)

American Circumcision: The Movie (2019):

Marie Fox and Michael Thomson, “Foreskin is a Feminist Issue” (2009):

Shaye J. D. Cohen, Why Aren't Jewish Women Circumcised? Gender and Covenant in Judaism (2005):