Our summer has been long and full of activity, so we have put together a quick update! In location, location, location we spoke to Katherine in Yeong San Gu who is a returnee to Korea so we got to hear her opinion on the second time around. Join us on the socials with the #’s #twofatexpats and #whereIlistentotwofatexpats Write us a review on your favourite podcast app or send us.. Read More

Our summer has been long and full of activity, so we have put together a quick update!

In location, location, location we spoke to Katherine in Yeong San Gu who is a returnee to Korea so we got to hear her opinion on the second time around.

Join us on the socials with the #’s #twofatexpats and #whereIlistentotwofatexpats

Write us a review on your favourite podcast app or send us a message from our website.

Reading, Movies, Telly, Podcasts and Food


Listening – Lisa Tadeo author – No Filter Podcast

Reading – Three Women, Lisa Tadeo


Reading – The Footy tipping comp

Watching – Years and Years, Greys Anatomy