Omicron has broken the hearts of many expats this week. With some of us being days away from getting on a plane before flights were cancelled and strict quarantine procedures rolled out. This week we talk about making plans in the world of Covid. Is it crazy to make plans? Or do we just need to be ready to pivot at all times? Small talk. Does it disappear in the.. Read More

The post Omicron – the expat heartbreaker first appeared on Two Fat Expats.

Omicron has broken the hearts of many expats this week. With some of us being days away from getting on a plane before flights were cancelled and strict quarantine procedures rolled out. This week we talk about making plans in the world of Covid. Is it crazy to make plans? Or do we just need to be ready to pivot at all times?

Small talk. Does it disappear in the expat world or is it sitting there discreetly a different form?

Favourite things

It’s never to late to pick up your life and move to Italy

tick tick……. Boom! (Netflix)

Rebecca Woolf – No Filter (podcast)

2021 in sound (SoundCloud)

The expat love story – A British guy crashed her Thanksgiving, they’ve been married 20 years (CNN)

The post Omicron – the expat heartbreaker first appeared on Two Fat Expats.