Time marches on, lockdown or not. The stunning spring weather continues in Hamburg and it sounds not too bad at the beach in South Australia either. This week we did a Facebook live and recorded this podcast the next day. So much talking to each other, such a treat! This week’s 4 Fat Questions What was your expat sweet spot? What’s your biggest regret about your expat life so far.. Read More

Time marches on, lockdown or not. The stunning spring weather continues in Hamburg and it sounds not too bad at the beach in South Australia either. This week we did a Facebook live and recorded this podcast the next day. So much talking to each other, such a treat!

This week’s 4 Fat Questions

What was your expat sweet spot?What’s your biggest regret about your expat life so far / or a mistake you wouldn’t make again?Quarantine pantry essential? You’re 30 years old and you’ve just been offered your first expat gig. What’s the first thing you do?

Things we’re loving this week

Bin Isolation Outings (Facebook )Unorthodox (Netflix)BS – the card game Yes I’m hot in this (Facebook)West Wing (Seasons 1-7) (Netflix)