If you are a regular listener to the Two Crude Mandudes podcast or have been to South Korea recently, then you're probably aware that the many Koreans prefer new things over used. The same could be said about clothing. Vintage clothing stores have yet to catch on with the general public, but that’s not to say they don’t exist. There are many vintage clothing stores hidden throughout Korea if you look hard enough for them. Sure, they aren’t nearly as prevalent as they are in the US or Japan, but if you are looking for that unique look there are treasures to be found.

The area with the most vintage clothing is Seoul. Hongdae has a slew of overpriced vintage clothing shops and Gwangjang Market is basically a claustrophobic market of nothing but vintage clothing. Both are good places to find some threads, but if you want to avoid all of the price gouging and people pushing that comes with the previously mentioned options, then you should head south to Suwon and check out Feeet: Used Clothing Vintage Shop.

Feeet is located directly across the street from Suwon Station. It is a basement clothing shop that is located underneath a Dunkin Donuts and a Daiso discount store. There are signs above both entrances.

As you descend the staircase you will notice photos pasted on the walls from Korean and Japanese fashion magazines such as Kracker Your Wardrobe, Fruits, and Boon (All of which are personal favorites of mine), a good indication of what to expect once you are inside.

The shop itself is surprisingly spacious; it has clothes lined around the perimeter of the store and has its clothing racks placed sparingly throughout. That’s not to say they don’t have plenty of clothing. Feeet’s selection could best be described as quality over quantity. You can tell that the proprietors take pride in the shop and have a keen eye for stylish designs and patterns. I assume they hand pick each item, because unlike other vintage stores I’ve been to, Feeet has a relatively small inventory. But that is a good thing. I’ve never had to look through hundreds of t-shirts to find that diamond in the rough. For the most part, the items are vintage worthy. Feeet has a large selection of flannels, graphic tees, jackets, dresses, jeans, and a variety of funky accessories and shoes that are neatly arranged around the register and on a display table. The people there are always friendly and the prices are cheap. The employees have given me discounts on my purchases on more than one occasion. If you are ever near Suwon Station and are looking to spruce up your style, you should stop by Feeet. Your closet will be glad that you did.  

For more information on vintage clothing in Korea check out our podcast on iTunes: Episode 4: Street Fashion  

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