As promised, here are the accompanying snack pictures to our latest podcast, Korean Food! pt.1

The above image is of one of David's favorite's: "Chicken drumstick chips". The black box is for those who like their chicken extra hot and the red box is mild. I've never tasted anything like these before....well besides actual chicken!

Here's a fall/winter scene in Korea, street vendors selling Matt's favorite, chestnuts. Nothing keeps you warmer during the harsh Korean winter than a warm bag of chestnuts in your pocket. Really! 

A little on the pricey side, these chocolate covered macadamia nuts are awesome and easy to find at any convenience store. 

I particularly like the "cheese cake" although I always called it cheese bread. This is the Japanese version I found at our local Korean market in Texas; however, the Korean one is one portion and not as thick. To the right check out the red bean filled fish bread! These are usually sold by street vendors much like the chestnuts and are really good as long as you don't mind red bean.

If you want to check out the subway supermarket we mention in the episode as well make sure to head over to our new Facebook page for a video and pictures from our buddy Tom.