Hosts Tracy Swain and JaVonne Williams are joined by Suzanne Tulien. Suzanne is the Co-founder of Brand Ascension, an experiential consulting and training firm that works with organizations & solopreneurs to achieve transformational and sustainable brand success through strategic internal brand defining and aligning practices. As pioneer of the brand defining methodology —Brand DNA (Dimensional Nucleic Assets®) and the Brand DNA Journey™—she has helped numerous small, to medium-sized businesses create consistent, relevant, and distinctive experiences that engage, inspire, and win their employees and customers for life; not to mention position their Brands for extraordinary growth. She is author of three books: Brand DNA, Personal Brand Clarity, and The 6 Myths of Small Business Branding. Her goal is to clarify the client brand’s value position and guide them to walk their talk and deliver on their promise every time. In 2011, Suzanne reengineered her Business Brand DNA methodology to support the solopreneurs of the world and engage them into becoming more conscious, strategic, and deliberate in assigning deep meaning to their own personal brands as they show up in their business. Since then, she has been running Personal Brand Presence masterminds, workshops, and speaking and training.

In 2020, Suzanne launched a comprehensive online course, “Ignite Your Personal Brand Presence DNA,” to help the solo-professional identify, define, and align themselves to realize their unique distinction and ultimate competitive advantage to live their potential from the inside out. As a certified trainer in experiential and accelerated adult-learning methodologies, BA delivers highly effective brand consulting and facilitation sessions onsite, online (virtual web-based), and on demand that engage the different learning styles and ways humans process information: Auditory, visual, kinesthetic, and intellectual. Her techniques maximize and ensure each person’s contribution to the brand-building process. This approach transfers the discovery and understanding of the critical elements of a brand that make the 178 Personal Brand Clarity business unique and supports the overall strategic positioning of the brand as part of the organization’s core business strategy.

To learn more about Suzanne Tulien and her company's services, visit her LinkedIn:, her Facebook Page:, or her Instagram Page: