Hosts Tracy Swain and JaVonne Williams are joined by Stephanie Bickel. Stephanie founded her firm, Speak by Design, over twenty years ago and delivers their services through an extensive network of coaches.  In today's episode, Stephanie describes the benefit of their coaching service platform.  She also shares her thoughts on what is it like working closely with her husband and how together they created the Speak by Design University.

Speak by Design helps leaders and their teams maximize their personal effectiveness through their communication and become the obvious choice. Her team of coaches prepare people for media interviews, TED talks, and keynotes for 1000+ audiences. Their clients are Managing Directors and Partners at global management consulting firms, C-Suite executives at large companies, investment bankers, and emerging leaders on the path to these top positions.

With an eye towards developing their clients into market makers and change agents, Stephanie and her team work with clients to build coaching and training programs that are one-of-a-kind and get results.

To learn more about Stephanie Bickel and her company's services, visit their website:, Linkedin page: or Instagram page: