Hosts Tracy Swain and JaVonne Williams are joined by Cheree Sauer. Cheree is a full-time working mom, turned stay-at-home mom, turned entrepreneur. She started a gift box company to support all stages of motherhood when her boys were toddlers. After 3 years in business, she found herself burned out and unmotivated.

Cheree has a signature program titled The Burnout to Balanced Momprenuers Program which provides 1:1 and group coaching as well as online learning modules.

She now uses her passion for faith, business and sports psychology to help other momprenuers decrease their workload, overcome their limiting mindsets and increase their profits, so they can continue following their passions.

In this episode, Cheree shares some factors that can overwhelm momprenuers, great tips for avoiding burnout and the number one factor preventing momprenuers and entrepreneurs from making their desired income. Plus, Cheree provides her 3M input: Marketing, Message and Mindset and how these factors can help momprenuers.

To learn more about Cheree Sauer and her program titled The Burnout to Balanced Momprenuers Program, visit her Facebook page: or her Instagram or