Friends, family, lovers, we gather here today to lay to rest Two Boys In A Balcony, the award watching, formerly New England film podcast and its two hosts, Bill McMorrow and Sean Sullivan, and we welcome back from the grave Thrill McMorgue-o and Halloween Sean Sullivan as Boo Englund returns for it's fourth and final chapter! That's right! It's Boo Englund 4: The Final Chapter and we're kicking things off with Ghost Sean's first selection, the awesomely titled and mediocrely movied 1971 film, Let's Scare Jessica to Death! It's neither scary nor (spoilers) does Jessica die! Why did he pick it? BECAUSE FRANKENSEAN (there it is) SKULLIVAN (holy shit folks we did it!) is a deranged maniac! So join Thrill McMorgue-o and Frankesean Skullivan as we say goodbye to Oscar and say hello to the Scary Oscars!