It's Cazalentine's Week 3 and it's the afternoon and the day is dog so it's Dog Day Afternoon. It's very good! (Please note: Two Boys in a Balcony, the award watching New England film podcast does not condone or encourage bank robberies of any kind but also acknowledges that we're not your dad. We can't tell you what to do with your life. If you want to rob a bank, we're not going to be happy about it but we still love you. Do you understand that? We still love you. We just want you to make better choices. I know it's hard. We're in the middle of a pandemic. The government increasingly seems to care less and less about us. You have to live your life and if living your life leads you down a path of crime, that's your choice and we respect it. We don't like it but we respect you to make your own way in this world. God Bless.)