In this episode I chat with Twitter guru, Mark Schaefer. He’s authored many books including my favorite, The Tao of Twitter. I’ve been following Mark for many years. He’s amazing and shares so much value. In this episode he dishes out great tips and then deep dives into Twitter Lists. He shares 3 excellent ways to best use lists.

In this episode, here’s what Mark discusses:

Mark says his favorite chapter in his book, The Tao of Twitter, is Chapter 5. It goes into how do you build a Twitter audience. “Twitter is the very best way to build a targeted, relevant audience quickly. It’s better than any other social media platform.” If you’re trying to build an audience for a blog or company website, Twitter is still the best way to make those connections. 3 different ways to use Twitter lists: Stay organized with lists Seek out lists created by others Curate lists that can be helpful to others Mark’s Tip: When you get notified you’ve been added to a Twitter list, take the time to thank them.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Mark Schaefer is @markwschaefer on Twitter. Mark’s book The Tao of Twitter. Fave App: ManageFlitter – Mark says it helps him keep his account neat and tidy. Can see if followers are inactive. Can detect possible spam accounts.

How To Reach Mark:
You can reach Mark at @markwschaefer on Twitter or through his website at

Your Call To Action: 
I want you to follow Mark’s 3 tips on Twitter lists. 1. Use lists to stay organized. 2. Seek out lists curated by others. You can check out my curated Twitter lists at You can easily subscribe to any of them. 3. Curate lists to help others. And be sure to visit the ManageFlitter app. There’s a free version. Tweet me @MadalynSklar and let me know your progress on all this. Did you find it helpful to you?

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