Happy New Year! Charles and Samm had a lot of fun talking through their respective…

The post Twitch of the Death Nerve Episode 52: 2023 Wasn’t All Bad appeared first on Cinepunx.

Happy New Year! Charles and Samm had a lot of fun talking through their respective favorite films of the year: this includes both their top 10 films watched for the first time, but a few runners up and a run through of some Letterboxd stats like top actors and top directors. As a result this episode is all over the place in terms of geography, genre, and decade (though we frequently return to Japan), but it was an incredible year of new-to-us movies. May 2024 be as rewarding!

What were your favorite new films and first time watches from last year?

The post Twitch of the Death Nerve Episode 52: 2023 Wasn’t All Bad appeared first on Cinepunx.