In this episode of Know How, Patrick Delahanty fills in for Bryan, who is currently high in the Himalayas, looking for a secret cache of Dogecoins. While he's gone, we learn some basic Soldering with Mark "Smitty" Smith, take a sneak peek at the new HD Drone from DJI, then show you how to properly publish your new podcast.

Waka Waka Water

Get your water basket on

768 Million people around the world don't have access to SAFE water
In many countries, water is gathered by women in children in large clay pots... often drawn from water sources of suspect quality.
With many small communities living MILES from water, much of the day is spent just getting enough water to live... This ENSURES that they'll stay in poverty.
Ever day, 1,400 children under the age of 5 die because of water-borne illness
Designer Auturo Vitorri wants to solve that problem with 30ft high water towers that look too beautiful to be functional
The towers, called "WarkaWater" pull atmospheric moisture out of the air and collect in in basins at the bottom of each tower.
They are made of two sections - a rigid structure, and an internal bladder, akin to a plastic bag
Each tower costs $550 and can be built in under a week with a 4-person team and locally available materials
They estimate that in a place like Ethiopia, each of these baskets could collect 25 gallons of clean water a day.Publish Your Podcast!

Refer to episode #23, "Podcast 101", for how to get started with an audio podcast.

Compress your video
Need iOS-compatible since Android can play that too.
MP4 or M4V is best format. H.264 compression.
If you're on a Mac, Compressor is $49.99 - easy to use!
Could also save from iMovie, but may not get the best compression.
On Windows, Adobe Media Encoder or VideoLAN client
Cross-platform, FFmpeg is free, but has a learning curve.Hosting your video
Episode 23 mentioned, but it's slow.
Libsyn ( - free bandwidth, but pay for storage.
$5/mo for 50Mb, $15 for 250, $20 for 400, $75 for 1.5G
Check the terms of service for wording on monetizing your podcast
Blubrry ( - free bandwidth, pay for storage
$12/mo for 100Mb, $20 for 250, $80 for 1G
Integrates with WordPress easier with PowerPress plug-in
Host your own!
Look for hosting provider with "unlimited" disk and bandwidth.
Squarespace has a plan for this, but 120mb limit per file.
DreamHost, BlueHost, HostGator, 1and1
WordPress with plug-insRSS feed generation options
Feedburner...but Google owns it and is ignoring it. Is there a future?
Libsyn and Blubrry will do it for you.
Podcast Generator
WordPress with plug-ins (PowerPress is one of the most popular)

Host: Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ

Guests: Patrick Delahanty and Mark Smith

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