Welcome to Coding 101 - It's the TWiT show that gives YOU the knowledge to live in the wonderful world of the programmer. This week we are reviewing function returns, checking out your viewer submissions, and we're getting graphical!

Reviewing Function Returns and Viewer Submissions

My example this week asks the user to input how long until their dinner reservations and how long until a movie starts next door. This equation doesn't account for lines for tickets or popcorn... so just skip the trailers. This function will RETURN the time they need to leave to get to the movie from dinner.

You can download my gibhub code HERE!

Viewer Submissions!

Dean created this Love Compatibility game. Code is available here.

Razelda created this D&D Character Creator. Code is available here.

Find the Code for ALL of our episodes HERE!

Ivory Tower

Let's take functions to the ULTIMATE Level -- The Runtime Library

When we talk about functions, we talk about pieces of code that we've written, or that other programers have written for our use, that we can "call"
Everytime we call a function, we're saving time and memory space by not having to re-write that particular piece of code.
All of the functions we've played with do something very obvious:
Functions that add sums
Functions that print menus
Functions that run loops with console commands" But there are ""functions /// procedures /// methods pieces of code that get called over and over again... not to do the obvious things... but to support the programming language itself
These are the bits of code that create the "Run-Time System" or "Run-Time Environment"
This is the code that turns "console" into a usable command" EVERY Computer language has some form of runtime-system. Whether it's C# or Java, Visual Basic or Python.
Compiled or Interpreted. We are always interacting with the Runtime-Environment because that's the only way that our code becomes something useful, but we have access to something FAR more powerful
A Runtime Library gives us access to love-lever routines that can control some of the most basic and POWERFUL aspects of our programming language.
In essense, using a runtime library gives us access to a library of functions that can control almost every aspect of how our program looks, works and interacts with the environment itself. Windows Presentation Foundation
WPF is a Runtime Library that is part of of the .NET Framework in Windows.
WPF resembles XLM object modules.
WPF is included in all version of Windows 8, 7, Vista, and Server 2008 and above. While XP or Server 2003 users can install the .NET Framework. WPF users DirectX, which means it's designed to take advantage of modern graphics hardware.
Gives coders access to some really nice eye-candy
Allows us to build beautiful 2D and 3D applications without having to code all the functions to make that possible.

Hosts: Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ and Shannon Morse

Guest: Louis Maresca

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