Today on Twists, Turns, & Lessons Learned, Paul Brunoforte and I sit down to discuss his many successes in life, some being in business, some being with relationships, and others being in his community. A role model for many, Paul dives deep into how he continues to educate himself, always maintain a positive attitude, and stay motivated to inspire others.

Paul is one of the greatest public speakers I have had the opportunity to watch and learn from, and he challenges you to take a step out of your comfort zone and join us at a Dobson Ranch Toastmasters meeting. Dobson Ranch Toastmasters is a place for people to gain confidence with not only their public speaking, but also their self image. This is a wonderful club that everyone should be exposed to and experience at least once. Every Friday at Dobson Ranch Golf Course we start our Toastmasters meeting at 6:30am SHARP! Feel free to join and enjoy a free breakfast.

Contact Info:

[email protected]