Yaksha explores a laboratory. Sienni and Natasha encounter Don Taraxa. 

Episode 10 of the Prisoners of the Static Arc.


Shenuque Tissera as Yaksha Rah

Abby Hepworth as Natasha Bol'shoy-Kot

Noah Gebstadt as Sienni Saari

Brian Flaherty as The DM (and everybody else)

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Learn more about the show and its cast at twentysidedpodcast.com

Other shows from the Fractured Realms

Canon Fodder - The Twenty Sided Podcast's supplementary show all about the world-building and lore of the home-brew setting of The Fractured Realms.

My First Dungeon - The tabletop role playing podcast that takes newbie DMs and teaches them how to run their very first session.