Brian is joined by Elliot Davis (Something is Wrong with the Chickens), Shenuque Tissera (The Art of Killing It), Jenny Gustafson (Twenty Sided Podcast), Kihresha Redmond (The PIT NYC), and Abby Hepworth (Twenty Sided Podcast) in a zero-prep game of Something is Wrong With the Chickens that's filled with Prophecies! Elder Chickens! And...Jazz Nuggets?

Download Something Is Wrong With The Chickens

My First Dungeon is the tabletop role-playing podcast where we put first-time GMs through their paces as we build and run their first adventure and then circle back around to discuss what went right, what went wrong, and how they can make their game better.

This is a three part series. Episode one is all about prep, where we will focus on building the session, understanding the GM’s worries, and setting them up for success. Then it's out of the frying pan and into the fire in episode two where our nascent Game Master will run their very first game for a group of experienced players. Then in episode three we will look back on that first game and discuss what went right, what went wrong, and how we can improve.

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Follow Elliot:

Twitter: @morebluebs


Follow Shenuque:

Twitter: @shenuque

IG: @shenuque

Tik Tok: @fakeshenuque

The Art of Killing It (Off-Broadway)


Follow Jenny:

IG: @jkgustaf


Follow Kihresha:

IG: @redefinedby_k


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