For episode 149 Charles Oglesby aka Todd Millionaire (Twitter: @RealToddBillion), and Raphael (Twitter: @WorkMoneyLife) discuss the Supreme Court decision on affirmative action, Charles returning to a job, his assets vs cashflow, living off his dividend income, instilling confidence in your children, regrets of using business credit, getting around successful people, critics attacking doers, athletes making big business moves while playing, building our own institutions, people not really wanting solutions, and much more!

Black Billionaire Banter: Michael Jordan's sale of the Charlotte Hornets, Lebron James becoming a billionaire while playing, and how the success of celebrities isn't necessarily a win for the Black community.

People Mentioned: Lebron James, Jay Morrison, J. Cole, Michael Jordan

Get your tickets to the Black Men Building Wealth Conference part 2, featuring speakers such as Dr. Boyce Watkins and Ian Dunlap aka The Master Investor, at

Learn how to Trade Options, run a vending machine business, start an investment club, invest in real estate long distance, etc from Todd Capital

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Charles aka Todd Millionaire @RealToddBillion

Raphael @WorkMoneyLife

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