Welcome the newest addition to the Tv Movie Mistress Roster; The Clone Wars. Im joined by The Doctor from @TheMTRNetwork

We talk about S1 Episodes 2-4; the malevolent arc, full of Gen. Grievous and his hobby of collecting the light sabers of fallen Jedi.  

To donate to the show you can do so through Paypal using the shows email address [email protected].

Follow Mo on Twitter:   https://twitter.com/BookDreamer01  Find the Doctor on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheDrIsIn2015

Don't forget to leave a 5 star review on ITunes & Stitcher.  Send all emails and feedback to [email protected]

Itunes Link: https://t.co/eKbxTcDMrq Stitcher Podcast Link: http://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=59748 https://www.facebook.co


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