Modern writer extraordinaire Emma Partlow joins the Turn One Thoughtseize crew and we dip our toes into the first bits of War of the Spark, talk about our latest pickups, decks we're playing, London Mulligan, the first Sponsored Player for TEAM One Thoughtseize and my upcoming coverage debut at NRG!

Follow Emma at and read her articles at

Thanks for listening!


Show notes:

Updated Decked Builder affiliate link is: so please check them out if you are so inclined, it definitely helps us out! We've spruced up the the Thoughtseize Cabal Dungeon and we’d love to have you join us. Find out more at! God-Pharaoh's Statue + Thalia + Trinishphere is: All opponent's spells cost 2 more (3 more if they are non-creature) then after all cost additions and reductions have been applied, Trinisphere makes sure they pay at least 3 mana total for the spell. NRG commentary info - - April 24th 7 PM Central Team One Thoughtseize has its first player! As a test run we are sponsoring a player from my and Chris' LGS named Jeff Pyka. He's a 6 time PT competitor, former Silver Pro, 11th place at PT Ixalan, Top 8 at GP Cinci 2014 and a number of Top 16 finishes at SCG and GP events. This pilot program will run for the MCQ season that feeds MC IV 2019.


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