Previous Episode: O to Be Like Thee

We are saddened when we must leave family or friends and be geographically distant from them. This is particularly true of our Christian family, especially when a pastor in good standing is called elsewhere. Such was the case with John Fawcett who believed he was called to leave Wainsgate, England, and take a different pastorate in London. The congregation was loath to see him go and when he changed his mind, one of the benefits was Fawcett’s penning of this hymn, Blest Be the Tie That Binds. Whether near or far, our Christian family has a bond in Christ and we have a firm hope, not a wish, that we will see one another again.

Article taken from Living Stories of Famous Hymns by Ernest K. Emurian. Copyright © 1955 by Baker Book House Company. Used by permission of Baker Book House Company.