
“This is why so many RINO Republicans want to get rid of Trump; he’s increasingly taking their gravy train away from them. He’s raised more than twice the amount of money that the RNC has raised!” “If Trump has already raised over $100 million dollars, you can be sure he is making it rain right now with the fundraising after this Deep State Debacle raiding his house.” “What the woke left don’t get, and what President Trump and what our movie premiere prove, is that in an era of consumer politics, the more the left boycotts, the more the right buycotts! That’s the calculus they don’t get. The more they try to shut us down, the more patriots band together to raise us up.”  


[01:55] On President Trump’s fundraising records [03:57] How Trump is doing it and how the lamestream media is freaking out over it [08:29] What’s really behind these epic fundraising numbers


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