Previous Episode: The C Words

GENERAL HOSPITAL's Patrick and Robin -- aka Scrubs -- are amongst that soap's most popular couples of the past few decades. And, from time to time, they've also been amongst the most controversial thanks to storylines such as the Lisa Niles incident and, more recently, Robin's decision to leave the family she'd only just returned to in order to help longtime friend (and one-time beau) Jason. Now, Robin is set to return to Port Charles... and as one might expect, she's bringing a bit of controversy with her! Tonight, join host Richard M. Simms -- executive editor of Soaps In Depth magazine -- as he looks at the two possible outcomes of her return. Do Robin and Patrick reunite, despite the fact that they likely would not be together on-screen due to Kimberly McCullough's decision to pursue outside projects? Or does the show use this visit to end Patrick and Robin's marriage, thus freeing him up for future storyline? And is there actually a way that the soap -- and Scrubs fans -- can have their cake and eat it, too? Plus, we'll talk about THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS' search for a new Adam (and offer up a few suggestions of our own), look at how DAYS OF OUR LIVES managed to tear Sami and EJ apart without completely ticking off the EJami fan base, and try to figure out what the heck is going on with THE BOLD & THE BEAUTIFUL's Maya, who suddenly seems to be flirting with every man who crosses her path... including Eric! All this and more as we take your calls to discuss all things soapy, beginning at 7 p.m. EST.