Next Episode: Getting Pretty!

Last week, we did our very best to stay positive about our soaps despite the fact that they sure as heck don't make it easy. This week, we're going to do something a little bit different. Okay, a lot different. Tonight, we're inviting the haters to join the party. Got a bone to pick with Soaps In Depth executive editor Richard M. Simms? Annoyed because he's so clearly biased toward Liason... except, of course, when he's so clearly biased toward Jasam? Ticked that he called DAYS' Rafe a "good family man" or that he thinks EJami needs to be a slow build? Convinced he has a hate-on for Y&R's Phick... or Shick... or Shadam? Tonight's the night to bring your issues to the table. The only request: That when doing so, you don't check your manners at the door. All are welcome to air their grievances, but disrespect will get you the boot faster than French fries will get you his love.