If there’s one thing soap fans immediately recognize, it’s when history is being rewritten. “Hey, wait,” they’ll declare, “that’s not how it happened!" Occasionally, they’ve been known to look the other way in order to tell a worthwhile story. But more often than not, twisting past events to fit current needs will lead viewers to develop a hate-on for a story that’s hard to shake. Sometimes, beloved characters arise out of a questionable rewriting of history, ala GENERAL HOSPITAL’s Ethan, although in other cases, the old and new facts collide in so spectacular a way as to darn near create a hole in the space/time continuum. Sure, that’s a bit of an overstatement, but not to fans who get frustrated when things suddenly don't compute. Tonight, we'll look at a few recent examples, then take your calls about any and all things soap. So join host Richard M. Simms, executive editor of Soaps In Depth magazine, as he takes your calls for an hour of spirited talk about all your favorite daytime dramas!