There's a lot of going on both on screen and behind the scenes, so there's a lot to talk about this week... and host Richard M. Simms, executive editor of Soaps In Depth, expects some spirited debate during tonight's show! First, there's the on-going cast cuts as incoming executive producer Jill Farren Phelps swings her axe at THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS. Over at THE BOLD & THE BEAUTIFUL, some fans were surprised -- and not in a good way -- by Ronn Moss' final episode as Ridge. But was the focus on Stephanie and Brooke actually a brilliant bit of foreshadowing? GENERAL HOSPITAL wrapped its water saga, so we'll take a look at the next big event that will be hitting Port Charles. And finally, it's impossible to talk about DAYS OF OUR LIVES without a heated debate breaking out over the EJ/Sami/Rafe triangle. We'll take a look at it from both sides as we try and do the impossible: Get fans of all the soaps to agree to disagree as opposed to going into attack mode. The impossible dream? Probably, but it's a discusion worth having! Throw your two cents into the pot by calling in beginning at 7 p.m. EST on Monday night!