Today the gals want to discuss how they left heretical movements and found truth, by the grace of God! Below is a timestamped outline that Lauren and Becca hope help you to find your way around their episode. 

Introduction and silliness

Getting down to business, when were you saved? - 13:15 

Becca gives her testimony - 13:50

Lauren gives her testimony - 24:50

How did you become Reformed?

Lauren explains becoming Reformed through concern regarding Biblical truth. - 38:35

link to The Institutes Review -

Becca details how she and her husband became Reformed through study. - 47:00


How did your family respond to all of this?

Becca explains how her, and her husbands family, have responded and how they've handled the public conflict. - 56:35

Lauren explains how very little response she received from family. - 58:40


Then the gals explain how they met, though social media, and became Tulips and Honey! - 105:20


After that they talk about finding a new name for the podcast and how Proverbs 16:24 had such a huge impact on the pair. - 1:09:05


Shenanigans- 1:14:30


Becca - What was cool when you were young, but isn’t now?


Lauren - What was the most iconic sound from the 90’s?


Question for Humblebees - What was your favorite 90’s band?


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