Tuesday Wrestling Tuesday with Jonathan Hood

This week's guest is Scott Bowden, former in-ring manager and referee for Memphis Wrestling.

They discuss the memories of Jerry "The King" Lawler, ruler of CWA/Memphis Wrestling, how Scott became involved as an on-camera personality and much more!

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Scott Bowden bio:
Born in Memphis, Tennessee, I was raised on a steady diet of pork bar-b-que, Elvis Presley, professional wrestling (pronounced rasslin’) and Coca-Cola (though everything in the South–including Pepsi–is referred to as a “Coke”). En route to earning my B.A. in journalism (news editorial concentration) at the University of Memphis, I juggled side jobs as a FedEx plane loader, University newspaper columnist/magazine writer and … TV bad-guy (heel) manager for my childhood rasslin’ hero, Jerry “the King” Lawler. (My parents were, of course, bursting with pride.)

Along the way, I was in the ring with the likes of The Rock and “Stone Cold” Steve Austin–I even scored a pinfall victory over Ms. Texas (a.k.a. Jacquelyn), a former WWE ladies (and I use that term loosely) champion.

During my peak, there wasn’t a woman alive who could pin my shoulders in a rasslin’ match–though, admittedly, I often lost by disqualification when I would attack these wild wenches of wrestling with a steel chair. (Told you my parents were proud.)

My wrestling gimmick: I was a mild-mannered referee turned heel, thanks to some creative booking by the late Eddie Gilbert (see clip below). As the supposed nephew of famed Florida State University coach Bobby Bowden, I’d come the ring armed with a Seminoles football helmet, which I assaulted opponents with unmercifully. Nice work if you can get it.

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