Can Social Media really be used by small businesses to find and win customers locally?
In episdode 11 of TubbTalk, I talk with Chris Marr, a Social Media and Marketing expert.
Chris and I discuss:-
Overcoming the common objection "We don't use Social Media because our customers don't use it"
Why Social Media is worthwhile for local businesses
The perils of not prioritising Social Media (or any type of Marketing) in Small Business
Examples of Social Media opportunities for local businesses
The mistake of using Social Media to sell to people
Who your competition really is on Social Media
Joining the dots - How the principles of off line networking successfully work in social networking
How a small business can build a following on Social Media
The power of Twitter lists
Why should businesses seek out Twitter chats
Details of The Content Marketing Academy event in Edinburgh
Mentioned in This Episode (Learning Everyday) (The Content Marketing Academy Facebook group) (The Content Marketing Academy Conference in Edinburgh, 3rd-4th September, 2015) (@ChrisMarr101 on Twitter)

Can Social Media really be used by small businesses to find and win customers locally?

In episdode 11 of TubbTalk, I talk with Chris Marr, a Social Media and Marketing expert.

Chris and I discuss:-

Overcoming the common objection "We don't use Social Media because our customers don't use it" Why Social Media is worthwhile for local businesses The perils of not prioritising Social Media (or any type of Marketing) in Small Business Examples of Social Media opportunities for local businesses The mistake of using Social Media to sell to people Who your competition really is on Social Media Joining the dots - How the principles of off line networking successfully work in social networking How a small business can build a following on Social Media The power of Twitter lists Why should businesses seek out Twitter chats Details of The Content Marketing Academy event in Edinburgh

Mentioned in This Episode

Learning EverydayThe Content Marketing Academy Facebook groupThe Content Marketing Academy Conference in Edinburgh, 3rd-4th September, 2015@ChrisMarr101 on Twitter