Caroline Clyborne, LPC gives us the low down on her upcoming webinar, "Trauma 101-For Parents of Medically Complex Kids" on June 25, 2019. Previously on TSC Talks, Episode 27, Caroline gave us an excellent explanation of the different types of trauma, shock trauma & developmental trauma, and how this is relevant to TSC. In this episode, Caroline gives listeners a review of what trauma is, the various and unpredictable ways we can find ourselves dealing with trauma in TSC, and why it's important for parent/caregivers & anyone dealing with the sort of unrelenting nature of TSC related events to tune in. She gives some D.Y.I coping skills for navigating how to be as self-regulated and resilient as possible regardless of what's going on with one's child medically. Quoting Caroline, "If we are going to talk about self-care and the parent, we're not just talking about going to take a bubble bath. We're talking about how when there is a stressful situation, do parents have the ability in their current situation to manage the distress and then can discharge the anxiety of the situation after the stressful situation has passed?" This is a true learning experience for all of us and after listening, you'll be even more motivated to attend!

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