Fred Richani interviews acclaimed professor and author Tamir Sorek, PhD, about history of the Israel and Palestine conflict, the ongoing Israeli onslaught on Gaza and the West Bank, growing up as an Israeli near the border of Lebanon, debunking the media myths, Hamas' Oct. 7 attack, what needs to happen after a permanent ceasefire, the 1948 Nakba, Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu's regime, and the possibility of a free and liberated Palestine in a one country or two state solution. Note: The opinions reflected in this interview are those of Professor Tamir Sorek.

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Professor Tamir Sorek Interview Time Stamps:

00:00 Introducing Professor Tamir Sorek, PhD
00:59 Tamir Sorek on growing up in Israel, Palestine, studies
02:50 Tamir Sorek on fear, anxiety as an Israeli youth
03:46 Tamir Sorek on becoming a professor, backlash
04:22 Tamir Sorek on Hamas' Oct. 7 attack on Israel, Jewish anxiety
05:16 Tamir Sorek on genocide vs. war distinction
06:40 Tamir Sorek on Israeli reaction to October 7, collective punishment
08:04 Tamir Sorek on Israeli politicians' revenge, Gaza destruction by IDF
08:48 Tamir Sorek on conflicting October 7 media reports
10:14 Tamir Sorek on reports of Israeli neglect on Oct. 7
12:06 Tamir Sorek on media exaggeration, anger at Hamas
13:39 Tamir Sorek on international community, "destroying Hamas"
15:03 Tamir Sorek on Biden Administration's role in Israel, Palestine
16:27 Tamir Sorek on 1948 Nakba, mass expulsion, ethnic cleansing
18:43 Tamir Sorek on 1967 Israeli expansion, Gaza blockade brief history
20:03 Tamir Sorek on history of Hamas governing Gaza
21:24 Tamir Sorek on one country, two state solution, liberation
24:13 Tamir Sorek on difficulty of long-term solutions in Palestine
26:18 Tamir Sorek on Palestinian erasure in U.S., Israel
29:09 Tamir Sorek on resistance groups in Middle East
30:30 Tamir Sorek on terror in West Bank
31:30 Tamir Sorek on permanent ceasefire, next steps
34:14 Tamir Sorek on advice for concerned citizens to take action
36:04 Tamir Sorek on books, future work


Tamir Sorek studies culture as a field of conflict and resistance, particularly in the context of Palestine/Israel. His research has highlighted the political role of sports, poetry, and collective memory, as well as tensions around the boundaries of the religious and the secular realms. He is the author of The Optimist: A Social Biography of Tawfiq Zayyad (Stanford University Press, 2020), Palestinian Commemoration in Israel: Calendar, Monuments, and Martyrs (Stanford University Press, 2015) and Arab Soccer in a Jewish State: The Integrative Enclave (Cambridge University Press 2007).