For our eighth interview, we had on Trevor Oldham, serial entrepreneur and current founder of Podcasting You. Trevor is already a serial entrepreneur and just barely out of college. His first venture was a t-shirt company, Trevor James Products, that provided clean water for those in developing countries. After running Trevor James Products, he moved on to start Become The Lion, a top-ranked motivational blog where he cumulated 600,000 followers in less than a year. While running this blog, he started a podcast along with it, where he interviewed extremely successful entrepreneurs. 

With his podcast, Trevor interviewed over 60 successful individuals and learned the power of podcasting. He saw that there were successful individuals whom the world needed to know about and hear from. So he created an agency that allows people to speak directly to their ideal audience and share their story and expertise, which allows them to increase their leads, attracting new customers, and growing their brand.

Trevor isn't your typical college grad and has started more businesses than most people do in a lifetime. Trevor has amassed a bunch of knowledge in social media marketing, podcasting, dropshipping, and many other topics. If you are interested in various business models and different strategies to grow businesses, this episode is perfect for you.


How to get booked on podcasts within your niche, how to grow your social media accounts to hundreds of thousands, and how the best practices when starting a dropshipping business. You will also learn what Trevor thinks is the best business for a young entrepreneur to start and the one piece of advice that he would tell himself if he could've started his entrepreneurship journey over again.

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"Someone came to me and asked if I could book them on podcasts, and I thought, 'Well I booked guests for my own podcast maybe I could book her on podcasts,' and that's how my company Podcasting You got started."

"In the beginning, we were so cheap because I wanted an entry-level way to get testimonials. I didn't really care how much money I was making at the time I just wanted something that was profitable and showed some promise."

"I like being reliant on myself to work as many hours as I want, to make as much money as I want... because with a regular job if you work 12 hours a day you're going to make just as much as if you worked 8 hours that day."

"Entrepreneurship is always going to be a roller coaster. One day you are going to be on top of the world, and some days you will wake up with just one email in your inbox, and it can bring your whole day down. But if you look at it as an opportunity to just learn and grow, it will keep you in that positive mindset as an entrepreneur."

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