Spoiler alert for PARASITE (2019).

In this very special episode, we were thrilled to talk to Andy Smith, founder and owner of the Gray Duck Theater & Coffeehouse in Rochester, MN. As of this writing, Gray Duck is the only theater in Minnesota to screen the rare black and white edition of PARASITE (2019), which gave us a perfect excuse to take this show on the road and ask him all our burning questions.

Where do you even start when building a cinema in a suburb of a Midwestern metropolis? How does he pick which movies to screen? What’s the relationship between the Trylon and Gray Duck like? Why are documentaries so successful in Rochester? How the hell did he get ahold of a movie only screened in New York and Los Angeles?

Find Andy on Twitter at @andy_smth, on Letterboxd at andygrayduck, and follow the Gray Duck everywhere at grayducktheater.

Follow us at @trylovepodcast on Twitter and email us at [email protected] to get in touch!

Theme: "Raindrops" by Huma-Huma/"No Smoking" PSA by John Waters.