WARNING: this Halloween edition of the show deems the hated food evil more times than has ever occurred on the show. Comedian/Artist Marcelina Chavira partners with Winston in her disgust while David is delighted by a full black licorice menu (or djavlar godis, the devil's candy, for you Swedes). For a round of Spooky Tastes, Winston recalls eating duck in Beijing, Marcelina discusses eating black licorice on stage just day's before the recording, and David returns to his feelings on the aftermath of the Taco Bell episode from the beginning of the year. For the tasting, red vines and haribo black licorice candies are served alongside nordic salted black licorice, a finnish licorice and sea buckthron chocolate, chicken with a licorice pan sauce as well as a homemade licorice caramel.



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