What’s the first part to being an Ambassador for God in your home? Join AMBrewster as he helps Christian parents take the necessary first steps in becoming the parent God called and created them to be.


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The First Step to Being a Good Parent


Listen to the following episodes on Apple podcasts by clicking the titles.

Stop Being the Leader!” (episode 7)

The 5th Way to Parent, Part 1” (episode 26)

The 5th Way to Parent, Part 2” (episode 27)

The Second Most Important Question You Need to Ask Your Kids” (episode 45)

How to Be Jesus to Your Kids” (episode 46)

When to Raise Your Voice: is yelling ever appropriate?” (episode 48)

Evangelism Parenting” (episode 63)

The Peaceful Parenting series” (episode 69)

How to Be a Truth/Love Parent” (episode 90)

Christian Parenting 101” (episode 92)

Fragrant Parenting” (episode 111)

Speed Parenting | how to be an Ambassador Parent when there’s no time, Part 1” (episode 115)

Speed Parenting | how to be an Ambassador Parent when there’s no time, Part 2” (episode 116)

Needy Parenting” (episode 122)

Parenting Like The Holy Spirit” (episode 123)

Hosea Parenting” (episode 135)

Is It Okay to Get Mad?” (episode 153)

Mothering for Jesus” (episode 157)

Fathering for Jesus” (episode 167)

A Parent’s 5 Jobs, Part 1 | Ambassador” (episode 184)

The Chief of Sinners in Your Home” (episode 215)

Your Family Needs to Go to Church” (episode 175)

Creating Community” (episode 198)


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Click here for Today’s Episode Notes and Transcript.


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