On this episode, Bishop expands upon the newly canonized Saint John Henry Newman’s view of college and university life. Then it’s on to authentic Catholicism…and how a pro-life perspective directly connects to social justice issues.

Listener-submitted questions:

• Bishop, thanks for all you do for Redeemer Radio and for our Diocese. My question is probably one that many of us can relate to: if I see a person on the side of the road with a sign asking for money, depending on the appearance of the person, I tend to hesitate donating any money, for fear of this person spending the money on drugs or alcohol rather than on food. I’m torn....the responsible part of me tends to think the money would be better spent by giving to an agency or organization where I trust the money would go toward something that will actually help someone and not enable them to further destroy themselves.....but part of me still feels guilty by not giving the money directly to the man or woman in front of me. What do you think about this?

• Can you give an update on the Diaconate program? When will the next class start?

• Why do we call a Pope’s tenure his “pontificate” and a Bishop’s tenure his “episcopate?”

• Is anyone alive today with the stigmata?
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