On February 16th, Bishop Rhoades held a question-and-answer session with men attending the Rekindle the Fire Conference in South Bend. This episode of Truth in Charity brings you the recording of that session with host Kyle Heimann joined by Fr. Ben Muhlenkamp, pastor at St. Louis Besancon parish in New Haven.

Questions from the men attending:
- - Who is your confirmation saint and why did you pick that saint?
- - Besides St. Joseph, what other saint is a role model for a good husband/father?
- - Why did the Diocese do away with the Faith, Hope, and Charity Chapel in downtown South Bend?
- - In our current times, what pragmatic ways can us men be radically Catholic, and live the word of God?
- - What is the number one thing to tell a man discerning a vocation in a society where it is hard to listen to God's voice?
- - What can the people in the pews do to help re-vitalize our parishes?
- - Given all the secular pressures today, I don't seem to hear pulpit messages that bluntly remind me of the Catholic teachings about key societal issues. What is being done, or should be done, about this?
- - I am studying to be a high school teacher. What do you believe is the most important thing that I should convey to the young adults in our society? Specifically in terms of our society changing the natural norms of gender orientation and the issue of homosexuality.
- - What is your message to men who may be questioning their faith because leaders within the Church hierarchy that commit/cover up abuses by those meant to administer and protect the Church.