Convo with Kyle:
Bishop Rhoades answers questions submitted from Junior and Senior students at Bishop Luers High School in Fort Wayne.

- 2:22 - Is Pope Francis the same in person and privately as he appears publicly?
- 3:12 - Why can’t a Pope’s body be used for organ donation? Can a Bishop’s?
- 4:50 - Can I get a tattoo? How does the Church feel about tattoos?
- 8:11 - Was there really a flood that caused Noah to build an ark? I heard the story was based on a myth about King Gilgamesh.
- 13:25 - If my sister were to need a new heart and she couldn’t get one fast enough and I wanted to give her mine knowing I would die, would that be considered a sin?
- 15:52 - What do you think, as a Catholic, we should believe about Donald Trump’s idea to build a wall at the border?
- 21:17 - How can I be sure that a seminary is safe from predators and teaching truth?
- 25:13 - My parish priest is young and seems too stressed. Why isn’t he getting help and rest?
- 27:11 - Does mental illness make someone not suitable for marriage?
- 29:03 - Does the Catholic Church support transgender people?
- 34:33 - My friends believe a child should be allowed to choose his/her gender. I don’t know how to say this is wrong in a kind way.
- 35:28 - Why is it wrong for a same sex couple to adopt a child?
- 38:15 - Can a formerly Catholic, non-practicing, have a Catholic funeral Mass?
- 39:11 - How can people be named saints if it’s a sin to judge someone?
- 40:02 - What is promising/encouraging about possible reconciliation between Catholics and the orthodox?
- 41:48 - What is an underground Church (China) and how does it survive?
- 43:41 - How long have you been a Bishop?

January 16, 2019 Truth in Charity -
Truth in Charity is brought to you in part by Notre Dame Federal Credit Union.

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