This episode features an interview with Lyssa Myska Allen, VP of Global, Head of Marketing & Digital at Hinduja Global Solutions. Lyssa has more than 15 years of experience in digital strategy. On this episode, she discusses how to act as a “nerd translator,” why you need to use data to validate your instincts, why there’s no such thing as too much communication, and much more.

3 Key Takeaways:

When creating a company culture, look for leaders who might not necessarily have leadership positions. Those who have influence with the rest of the team are the key to building buy-in to a corporate culture.Breaking through with customers is all about being straightforward and honest. Transparency is key to connecting with your audience.Be the type of person who is able to connect people of various backgrounds. This is especially valuable when connecting those with a technical background with those who are more business-focused.

Key Quotes

“To some extent, you can make data say anything you want it to if you're good enough at it. So you want to be careful that what you're pulling out is not wishful thinking.”“Data can be dangerous when people don't have that education or the understanding of how important the whole funnel view is, or the whole dataset. It’s possible to put almost too much trust into it.”“If I could say one thing, it would be over-communicate. If you think you're over-communicating, you're wrong.”

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