I am a big fan of this program. It has achieved great, no, it has achieved fantastic, results for me.

As I have said previously the Truth About Abs has changed my life completely. And its newsletter continues to help me control my weight.

What has been so amazing about this program, is that...... it's not rocket science, ......it's not re-inventing the wheel. It just uses Mike Geary's skill, expertise and years of experience to create something that can turn your life around.

There is no Truth About Abs scam - from experience I can say that this product really works.

However if I had a criticism of the program.....and as consumers we always have criticisms, it is that the exercises are demonstrated as photographs within the ebook. My suggestion would be to create a downloadable video so that you can watch the exercises in action. That said, it never prevented me from following any workout routine, the exercises are well described and easy to understand, and the associated description of each exercise is very detailed.

A video would just have been the icing on the low fat cake!