A priory is a monastery, so a house ON the priory is… interesting. This week Kiyan and Dylan explore Chris Boucher’s final serial for Doctor Who, Image of the Fendahl. It’s almost amazing, but the dialogue falls apart. Pity. It aired in October and November of 1977. Doctor Who © The BBC Any other referencesContinue reading →

A priory is a monastery, so a house ON the priory is… interesting.

This week Kiyan and Dylan explore Chris Boucher’s final serial for Doctor Who, Image of the Fendahl. It’s almost amazing, but the dialogue falls apart. Pity. It aired in October and November of 1977.

Doctor Who © The BBC

Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.

The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Delia Derbyshire.

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