‘Jews Out’
Many highly educated young Americans are demonstrating, threatening a certain minority, attacking police, and invoking Nazi phrases to support Hamas terrorists (recent mass murderers and active rapists) and, perhaps more importantly to them, to advocate “Death to the Jews.”
Another ‘Summer of Love’?
The Sickness in American Universities

Testing, Testing
When Islamist Iranian diplomacy, economics, strategy and terror are backed by an operational nuclear weapons arsenal, the Middle East and the world will radically change. How close are we to that reality?
Iran Restarts Nuclear Talks
America Under Attack

Veterans in Germany
Watch military battles, deployments and spending closely, but do not overlook military rhetoric and culture, especially in one of history’s most powerful and militaristic nations. Have you noticed a popularization of Holy Roman Empire culture? Let us know what you’ve seen and what you think about it: [email protected].
France’s Deadly Ignorance About Germany
Young Germans Turn to the Far Right

Jeremiah Jacques’s encapsulation of TikTok’s effects should go viral. And that’s not even his main story this week.
Chinese Navy Secures Exclusive Access to Cambodia’s Maritime Base
What Are the ’Times of the Gentiles’?

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