German Frigate Heads Toward the Red Sea
Germany is among the European nations refusing a NATO mission in favor of a European one.
German Frigate Heads Toward the Red Sea
The Battle for the Red Sea

Russia and China Develop Satellite-Killing Technologies
A new report from the U.S. military revealed that Russia and China are developing technologies that can “deny, disrupt, or destroy satellites.”
Isaiah’s End-Time Vision
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German Bank Exposed as Iranian Front Company
“Varengold has become a financial hub for the Iranians to transfer funds to Europe”
Why the Trumpet Watches Iran and Europe Heading for a Clash of Civilizations

Federal Reserve Warns ‘More Banks Will Fail’
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell is predicting that more small banks will likely close or merge due to commercial real estate weaknesses.
The United States and Britain in Prophecy
America Just Nationalized Its Banking System

ROUNDTABLE: Carlson Interviews Putin
What is the Russian president trying to accomplish, and what is the role of this American journalist?
Tucker Carlson-Vladimir Putin Interview
The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia’