Four months ago today, Russia dramatically escalated its war against Ukraine. And the Russians this week appear to be gaining ground both inside Ukraine and on economic fronts.
The European Union moved to make Ukraine an official candidate to join its ranks. But this candidacy status from Europe looks to be just show.
Israel’s coalition government has collapsed. What should we expect going forward?
Today’s episode also covers radical teachings in West Point curricula, Germany’s coal plants, Turkey-Saudi Arabia reconciliation, a devastating earthquake in Afghanistan, and America’s deteriorating influence in Latin America.


[00:49] Ukraine War (7 minutes)

The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia’

[07:52] Ukraine Candidate for EU (9 minutes)

Germany’s Secret Deal With Russia—Exposed

[16:58] Israel Government Collapses (7 minutes)

Great Again

[24:20] West Point Curricula (9 minutes)

Ezekiel—The End-Time Prophet
A ‘Woke’ Military Endangers Us All

[33:42] German Coal Plants (5 minutes)

How the Global Financial Crisis Will Produce Europe’s 10 Kings

[38:33] Afghanistan Earthquake (5 minutes)

Germany’s Secret Strategy to Destroy Iran
This Isn’t Incompetence. This Is Treason!

[43:08] Turkey-Saudi Arabia Reconciliation (6 minutes)

TRENDS: “Why the Trumpet Watches an Alliance Between Arab Nations and Europe

[49:18] Latin America Unites Against U.S. (5 minutes)

Latins Unite Against the United States