The James Webb Space Telescope is just a couple weeks away from starting its scientific work. We look at what scientists plan to study and how this could help us to see how the heavens declare the glory of God.
In elections this past Sunday, French President Emmanuel Macron lost his parliamentary majority. This is a disastrous result for this man who has been trying to position himself as the leader of all Europe.
Russia’s war in Ukraine is reshaping Eastern Europe, turning countries against Russia and driving them into the arms of the European Union.
And I finish off the program today with a bit of reminiscing about Father’s Day this past Sunday—and a reminder of just how important it is to be a dad.


[01:43] James Webb Space Telescope (20 minutes)

Our Awesome Universe Potential

[22:15] Macron Loses Majority (8 minutes)

French Elections—A New Chapter for Leaderless Europe

[30:08] Eastern Europe (14 minutes)

The Ukraine Crisis Is Reshaping Eastern Europe

[44:02] LAST WORD: Father’s Day (6 minutes)

Here’s to Fathers